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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Seeking His Face

I just wanted to take a second and encourage others to live by the Scripture Matt 6:33. I realize it is tough sometimes. Trust me I have had my share of the Christian roller coaster (I know many of you know exactly what I am referring to). But I believe with all my heart, that if we will truly put this verse into action we would see God’s promises come to pass. I know many say that they have tried, and God did not come through. But I also believe Romans 3:4, which says “let God be true and every man a liar.” So many of us get discouraged because of sicknesses or lack of finances. What I believe God does is He not only is willing to answer our prayers but is also willing to work a little Christ-like character into us while we wait PATIENTLY. Remember the Iraelites, when Moses had gone up on the mountain. They had waited 39 days and then they gave up and got Aarron to make the golden calf. When did Moses show up? He showed up on the 40th day. One more day, and that whole epoisode would have never happened. What I am saying is I believe we tend to believe to a certain point and give up, and God is ready to come through had we waited just one more day.

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